Welcome to MG CARZ.COM!
Hello, MG fans!
Welcome to my virtual garage. Herein you'll be able to follow along as I (attempt) to bring a 1969 MGC GT back from the dead, as well as bring my 1969 MGB roadster back to some measure of respectability. I'll pass along whatever seems useful as I go. Hopefully along the way you'll be able to learn from my experiences and find out how to avoid the mistakes that I'll make!
- Nov 2013: Please welcome new member of the family, MGC GT #8651
- Nov 2012: I was at a swap meet recently and picked up an original sales brochure I'd never seen before. Inside was this authentic 1969 price list (pdf)
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Disclaimers: The information presented on this website is provided "as is", and is intended as a guide only. All the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge, but it is not verified and I accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or death caused by the information, or part thereof, provided by this guide. Automobile work is inherently dangerous, and the user of this guide assumes all risks in using the information presented herein. Always follow all customary safety practices. Don't do stupid stuff!
This site is in no way affiliated with MG Rover Group, LTD., MG Motors, the Nanjing Automobile Group, SAIC, or any other MG corporate entity or business.